Case study: the mobile cart design that resulted in a significant increase in mobile revenue for SMITH


surefoot designed and implemented an A/B test on SMITH’s home-grown mobile cart platform that led to a statistically significant 8% lift in visits to checkout and a 3.4% lift in transactions.

The Challenge

An overwhelming and confusing user interface created a frustrating experience for SMITH’s mobile visitors, leading to significant checkout abandonment. Visitors struggled to figure out next steps and needed a smoother path to checkout.

“Simplification, streamlining and building trust are keys to success, especially deep in the funnel on mobile devices. Invoke the ‘don’t make me think’ principle and you’ll increase your chances of success!”


The Approach

A thorough analysis of Google Analytics, coupled with HotJar data and user testing, helped surefoot gain more insight into SMITH’s customers’ behaviors and problems with the existing cart.

As a result of the data collected, the surefoot and SMITH teams decided to run a mobile-specific cart redesign test. They hypothesized that doing so would reduce cart drop-off and prompt more visitors to continue through the checkout process, thereby leading to more mobile transactions.

The Solution

Guided by its data-driven hypothesis, surefoot designed and developed a completely revamped mobile cart page to A/B test against the original.

The test variation improved usability through larger tap targets, clearer calls-to- action, a more intuitive layout and other changes aimed at eliminating the user frustration and friction observed during the research phase.

The Results

Making the mobile buying experience more intuitive and user-friendly paid off well for this experiment, and for SMITH.

A statistically significant 8% lift in visits to checkout, coupled with down-funnel lifts in transactions and revenue per visitor, resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars of projected net profit increases.

Furthermore, surefoot segmented data to measure the test’s impact on “pro deal” subscribers who receive access to products at discounted rates versus regular customers who pay full-price. This test successfully influenced the behavior of both segments, but made the largest impact on “full price” conversions, resulting in a considerable annual revenue bump for the full-price segment alone.

As the cherry on top, post-test UX analysis revealed the improved cart page led to a marked reduction in frustration during visitors’ checkout experience.

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